Oregon To Maine On A Bicycle Day 6, Mountain Home Idaho to Arco Idaho, 146 miles

To start at the beginning of the trip click here.

The forecast today was temps over 105 degrees Fahrenheit. With this in mind and the nearest town more than 50 miles from Mountain Home I thought it wise to strap a 3 liter of water to the top of bike rack on the rear. While the added weight would be troublesome with the 2000′ climb that started the day, passing out again from dehydration was not something I was going to risk.

Source: Jeff Cunha

I was glad to be getting off of I-84. Highway 20 had far less traffic. There was an occasional passing car but nothing like the busy artery that I-84 had been. The first climb of the day was not nearly as bad as I had expected. It was nearly 2500′ of elevation gain in the first 30 miles but I reached the climb when temperatures were still in the 80 degree range.

Source: Flattestroute.com

The terrain went from high dessert to what I can only describe as moon like. They are lava flow remains that turned a large swath of the terrain into a volcanic dessert. The only indication you are still on earth are the foothills that the lava flows didn’t reach in the distance. This went on for about 30 miles.

Source: Jeff Cunha

With the temps now in the low 100’s and not a town in sight I pulled over to access the 3 liter bottle of water I had so wisely strapped to the rear rack. Unfortunately at some point during the last 60 miles it had fallen off. I had been using my headphones at the time and so did not hear it fall off.

Source: Jeff Cunha

The Craters of the Moon visitor cent certainly would have water right? It did not have running water but did have vending machines. I proceeded to empty both machines of their country time lemonade beverages.

Source: Jeff Cunha

This turned out to be the longest distance covered in a day during the trip so far at 146 miles. I rolled into Arco after roughly 10 hours in the saddle. I was glad to see an RV camping park with attached restaurant right along the roadside and purchased a plot of grass for my tent for the night. Still thinking about that bike convention in Sturgis, will start adjusting route to try to get there before it ends.

Up next day 7 Arco to Jackson Hole Wyoming