Facts Over Fiction: Dismantling the Delusions of Climate Deniers

Climate denial, much like the tobacco industry’s denial of the harmful effects of smoking, relies on substantial funding from vested interests to propagate skepticism about climate science. Just as critical thinkers would readily recognize the tobacco industry’s financial influence behind smoking denial; they should similarly discern that the vast funding from fossil fuel companies and…

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Orangutan Self Medicates In The Wild

In the early 1960s, Jane Goodall stumbled upon something remarkable in the forests of Gombe Stream, Tanzania: chimpanzees consuming whole leaves. Fast forward to the late 1990s, and this behavior, dubbed “whole leaf swallowing,” had been observed across various African great ape habitats. Scientists soon uncovered its therapeutic and anti-parasitic properties. This discovery marked the…

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Scientist Responsible For Releasing Covid Genome Locked Out of Lab

In a riveting development within the COVID-19 landscape, the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center has emerged as a focal point of controversy. Prof Zhang, a highly respected scientist, found himself at the center of a storm when Chinese authorities closed his lab, citing “safety reasons.” However, reports surfaced suggesting a more alarming reality: Prof Zhang…

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D.C. Police Hesitate to Clear Anti-Israel Protesters Amid Fear of Backlash

George Washington University (GWU) officials have been pleading with police to sweep away university protesters as tensions grow on campus. In a tense standoff between police, university officials, and anti-Israel protesters at GWU in Washington, D.C., city authorities have decided against clearing the encampment due to concerns potential public relations fallout. The decision comes as…

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New Study May Solve Climate Crisis: Capitalism To The Rescue

The groundbreaking research led by Marta Hatzell and her team at Georgia Tech’s College of Engineering unveils a promising solution in the fight against climate change. Their innovative process offers a compelling prospect: reducing the energy-intensive nature of carbon dioxide recovery from carbon capture, while simultaneously making it economically feasible. If these findings hold true,…

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Safe Haven From California No Longer: Texas Exodus Of Companies And Jobs Begins

In the flurry of tech migration from California to Texas in 2020, Austin emerged as a burgeoning tech hub, buoyed by significant moves from Oracle and Tesla. Oracle relocated its headquarters to Austin, while Tesla began construction of a massive Cybertruck factory in the area, both bolstered by tax incentives and state support. These developments…

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