Global Warming May Be Increasing Giant Ice ‘Meteor’ Strikes

Have you ever heard about large chunks of ice falling from the sky? It’s a fascinating and puzzling phenomenon that scientists are trying to understand. Some people call these ice chunks “ice meteors” or “hydrometeors.” The term megacryometeor was coined in 2002 (Martinez-Frias & Travis 2002) to name large atmospheric ice conglomeration which, despite sharing many…

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Country Passes New Law Banning Gas Vehicles: The Era of Gas Bans Is Now

Canada recently made a big move to fight global warming: by 2035, all new light-duty vehicles sold there must be zero-emission, meaning they won’t produce harmful pollution from their tailpipes. To reach this goal, the government set specific targets: by 2026, 20% of new passenger cars, SUVs, and trucks sold must be zero-emission, and by…

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Colorado State University Forecasts Record Hurricane Season with 23 Named Storms

Colorado State University’s (CSU) hurricane research team, headed by senior research scientist Phil Klotzbach, has raised alarm bells for an “extremely active” Atlantic hurricane season in their initial 2024 forecast unveiled on Thursday. Predictions point to a staggering total of 23 named storms, well above the average of 14 tropical storms and seven hurricanes annually…

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ACC Is Speeding Up: Shaken Not Stirred

Recent scientific research reveals concerning news about Antarctica’s future. A massive swirling vortex of ocean water surrounding the continent is becoming faster and more dangerous. This vortex, known as the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), surpasses the combined volume of all the world’s rivers. But why is this happening? The culprit behind this troubling development is…

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