Oregon To Maine On a Bicycle Day 2 Klamath Falls to Lakeview

If you want to start at the beginning of this trip click here.

Rolled out of Wes’s house around 6am after consuming a large breakfast of cheddar cheese, eggs and bacon courtesy yet again of Wes’s wife Donna.

Source: Flatestroute.com Elevation graph of Klamath Falls to Lakeview

The goal for today was 95 miles to Lakeview. No more mountain passes to deal with only about 3 small hills. I now refer to anything less than 2000 feet of elevation gain as a hill.

Source: Jeff Cunha

The forecast for the day was highs near 102F so I thought an early start was a good idea.

Source: Jeff Cunha

Early in the day was miles through high dessert farming land. Very little motor vehicle traffic. There were a few farming implements trundling down the road that I actually passed. Bicycles are not as slow as people think.

Source: Jeff Cunha

With the fiasco yesterday of running out of water, I decided to make sure anytime I passed a location that offered liquid I would stop and refill both my water bottles (2) and my belly.

Source: Jeff Cunha

Long stretches of pan flat and straight roads we going to be the theme of the day until I reached the first hills. There was at least some shoulder to ride on but I found with almost no traffic, riding in the oncoming lane proved a lot less stressful. Having to constantly check my bar end mirror to see if someone was coming got old really fast.

Source: Jeff Cunha

Onto the first climb of the day and the shoulder disappeared. With road now starting to wind I rode as far to the right as possible. There was still very little traffic on the road but the lack of shoulder made each fast approaching vehicle feel like a near death experience.

Source: Jeff Cunha

I had planned on eating lunch at the halfway point of the ride in Bly. While this was the first business I would see that was boarded up and now closed, it would become a very common occurrence as I went through the Midwest. I ended up yet again at a convenience mart loading up on Gatorade and junk food.

Source: Jeff Cunha

The Booth wayside was the stopping point for the day, just outside lakeview. This would be the first day of actual camping. I saw a creek just across the road from the wayside. There was no running water and it was labeled as day use only but I really didn’t see another option. The sun was about to set and I didn’t have a headlamp for the bike. So up went the tent.

I was now wondering if one pair of socks was prudent. I took them off. Changed into my other single outfit non biking shorts and a t-shirt. Took the socks, worn shirt and cycling shorts to the creek to wash. Then let them hang in a tree branch to hopefully dry by morning.

As I was sitting outside my tent an RV pulled up and an elderly couple got out and approached me. They were just returning from a month long trip and asked me if I would like to join them for dinner in their RV. I was starving as there were no restaurants nearby and the last meal I had was at the convenience mart. It turned out that they were not actually eating dinner with me., They were going to hit the road and be home in a couple hours. They were however keen on emptying their fridge of all it’s contents. I am not a picky eater, even less so when starving but that “dinner” was on the eclectic side even by my standards. It was a large bowl filled with cabbage, onions, sardines and olives. Not something I had ever eaten in combination before nor since. Regardless, I was thankful for the food from total strangers but was looking forward to finding a breakfast location first thing in the morning.

Next Up Lakeview to Burns