Jonathan Smith Leaves OSU To Coach MSU

Jonathan Smith, the head coach of the Oregon State Beavers football team, has decided to leave his position to become the head coach at Michigan State. This news has left many fans feeling upset and betrayed.

Smith, who was named the 2022 Pac-12 Coach of the Year, had done a great job in improving the Oregon State team. His departure comes right after the Beavers finished their 2023 regular season. The timing of the announcement, made during a big football game played by two of Michigan State’s main rivals, Michigan and Ohio State, added an interesting twist to the story.

For many fans, Smith’s departure feels like a personal loss. He was not just the coach of the team; he was also a former student of Oregon State and had started his coaching career there. His deep ties to the school and the football program made him a beloved figure in the community. His success in transforming the Beavers into a competitive team in the Pac-12 had brought hope and excitement to the fans.

However, the sudden announcement of his departure to Michigan State has left many fans feeling used and abandoned. The sense of betrayal is heightened by the fact that Smith had been in talks with Oregon State about a long-term contract. Fans had been hopeful that his connection to the school would keep him in Corvallis.

The feeling of being used is not uncommon among sports fans. Coaches often become symbols of stability and continuity for a team. When they leave, especially after a period of success, it can feel like a betrayal. This is particularly true when the departure is sudden and unexpected, as in the case of Smith.

Despite the feelings of betrayal, some fans recognize that Smith’s move to Michigan State could be a good opportunity for him. Michigan State is a prestigious program, and the move could be seen as a step up in his career. However, this understanding does little to alleviate the feelings of loss and betrayal.

In conclusion, Jonathan Smith’s departure from Oregon State to Michigan State has left many fans feeling used and betrayed. While some understand the reasons behind his move, the sense of loss is profound. As the Oregon State community grapples with this change, the hope is that the new coach will be able to build on the foundations laid by Smith and continue the upward trajectory of the Beavers’ football program.