Asteroid Apophis: Why We Trust The Prediction It Won’t Slam Into Earth But Doubt Climate Science

Asteroid 99942 Apophis, discovered in 2004, quickly became a focal point of concern and curiosity. This near-Earth object (NEO), measuring about 1,100 feet across, was initially flagged as a potential threat due to its orbit intersecting with Earth’s path. Early projections suggested that Apophis could come alarmingly close to our planet, raising the specter of…

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As Alberto Threatens, Climate Change Denial in Climate-Hit States: A Cognitive Dissonance Dilemma

In the heart of the American Southwest, states like Texas and Oklahoma grapple with extreme weather conditions that underscore the stark reality of climate change. Despite being on the front lines of climate-induced disasters, many residents in these regions remain skeptical or in outright denial of the scientific consensus on climate change. As Bill Nye…

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Republican AG Files Lawsuit: Kansas Takes on Pfizer Over COVID Vaccine, Stock Down 2%

Kansas has launched a legal battle against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, Inc., accusing the company of misleading the public about the safety and efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine. The state alleges that Pfizer promoted the vaccine as “safe” despite being aware of serious potential side effects. This lawsuit, filed in the District Court of Thomas County,…

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Simulated Keyboard Activity Leads to Mass Firings at Wells Fargo

In a significant move to uphold ethical standards, Wells Fargo has terminated over a dozen employees for allegedly faking work by simulating keyboard activity. This decision came to light following a thorough review of the allegations last month, according to Bloomberg News. The dismissed employees were part of the bank’s wealth and investment management unit….

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Miraculous Discovery: Scientists Find Missing Continent Argoland After 155 Million Years

An ancient supercontinent called Gondwana included a continent called Argoland that was thought to be lost some 155 million years ago. Recently; however, scientists have miraculously located the continent in an unexpected place. It so happens that an ocean off of western Australia held the answers they were looking for all along. When Gondwana was…

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New Study On Fake News: Strategies to Curb Online Misinformation

The ongoing debate over online misinformation and social media has highlighted a significant divide between public discourse and scientific research. Public figures and journalists frequently assert the widespread impact of false online content, often contradicting current empirical evidence. In a new study published in Nature researchers have identified three main misconceptions: the overestimation of average…

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The Big One: Newly Discovered Faults Could Impact Washington And Oregon Earthquakes

A groundbreaking study has revealed that hidden fault lines beneath the Pacific Northwest are playing a crucial role in shaping the region’s earthquake activity. These west-northwest trending faults, stretching along the coasts of Washington and Oregon, are not only separating distinct geological blocks but also bending and breaking the oceanic crust in ways that could…

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Beyond Earth: Telescope Detects Alien ‘Gas’ in Exoplanet Atmosphere

In a groundbreaking discovery, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has detected potential traces of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) in the atmosphere of exoplanet K2-18 b, a distant “Goldilocks” world orbiting around a red dwarf star approximately 120 light-years from Earth. This finding raises tantalizing questions about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Yes, you read that…

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