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William Gentry

California’s Fast Food Law: Newsom’s Minimum Wage Hike Creates Winners And Losers

Fast-food franchisees across the state are expressing concerns about potential customer migration to fast-casual dining options such as Chili’s and Applebee’s. This apprehension arises as California’s newly implemented minimum-wage law compels basic burger joints to raise menu prices to counteract escalating labor expenses. The revised wage regulations, effective since April 1, solely target workers at…

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Fast Food Fallout 2: California’s Minimum Wage Hike Intensifies College Food Insecurity

Within the state’s college campuses, recent evidence emphasizes the struggle of students to afford meals, with some sacrificing nutrition to cover the costs of books and fees. Studies on food insecurity among college students in California have found prevalence rates ranging from one-quarter to more than one-half across various campuses. Eighty-four percent of college students…

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Tesla’s Maximum Overdrive: NHTSA Investigation Uncovers Deadly Autopilot Flaws

A recent analysis conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) revealed a concerning “critical safety gap” within Tesla’s Autopilot system, contributing to 467 collisions, including 13 fatalities and numerous serious injuries. The investigation, spanning nearly three years, examined 956 crashes where Autopilot was purportedly engaged. The NHTSA’s findings highlighted deficiencies in Autopilot’s design,…

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California’s $20 Minimum Wage Likely To Backfire Like Seattle’s Did

In the aftermath of Seattle, Washington’s ambitious $20 minimum wage law for fast food workers, a similar narrative of consumer pushback and market turbulence is emerging. The move, mirroring the city’s past experiences with minimum wage regulations, has sparked concerns over its ramifications for both businesses and consumers. Seattle, known for its progressive stance on…

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Arizona And Pennsylvania Legislators Demand Raise For Seniors Following California’s Fast Food Workers Lead

Proposed by Arizona Representative Ruben Gallego, a Democrat, a newly introduced bill aims to reform the calculation method for the yearly cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) to Social Security benefits. Named the Boosting Benefits and COLAs Act, the legislation seeks to amend Title II of the Social Security Act. It mandates the Commissioner of Social Security to…

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While Californians Grapple with $7 Gas And Minimum Wage Hikes: New Gas Tax Proposed

California is considering a significant increase in gasoline prices, with a proposed overhaul of fuel regulations potentially adding up to 47 cents per gallon. The move aims to align with the state’s climate goals but raises concerns about the burden on low-income drivers. The state’s low-carbon fuel standard, implemented in 2011, incentivizes the production of…

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Inflation Highway: How California’s Cost of Living Crisis Is Fueling Nationwide Price Hikes

California’s reputation as a land of opportunity is often marred by its staggering cost of living. The Golden State’s housing market, exorbitant taxes, and pricey amenities have long driven residents to seek refuge in more affordable pastures. However, the consequences of California’s high cost of living extend far beyond its borders, casting a shadow over…

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