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William Gentry

New Harvard Report: California Home Prices Not Alone Anymore, Costs Are Crushing Homebuyers and Renters Nation Wide

In today’s turbulent housing market, both homeowners and renters are grappling with a severe affordability crisis. Skyrocketing home prices and climbing interest rates have sidelined millions of potential buyers, while rising taxes and insurance costs further burden those who already own homes. For renters, the situation is equally dire, with rent burdens reaching unprecedented heights…

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Republican AG Files Lawsuit: Kansas Takes on Pfizer Over COVID Vaccine, Stock Down 2%

Kansas has launched a legal battle against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, Inc., accusing the company of misleading the public about the safety and efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine. The state alleges that Pfizer promoted the vaccine as “safe” despite being aware of serious potential side effects. This lawsuit, filed in the District Court of Thomas County,…

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China Sells Record $53B in US Treasuries, Anticipating Trump’s Return

According to US Treasury data cited by Bloomberg, Beijing sold $53.3 billion worth of US Treasury and agency bonds from its stockpile. That’s above already eye-catching volumes China was offloading last year. Altogether, one estimate has calculated that the country has sold $300 billion of US Bonds between 2021 and mid-2023. China’s selling grew to…

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When Laundry Detergent Becomes Currency: The Alarming Sign of America’s Economic Decline

In recent years, an alarming trend has emerged in the United States, indicating not only the severity of economic deterioration but also highlighting the widening wealth gap. The phenomenon of locking up staple items like Tide laundry detergent in stores is a stark indicator of these issues. Reports from across the nation reveal that stores…

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Fast Food Fallout: Why California’s Chains May Start to Crumble

In the ever-changing landscape of California’s fast food industry, a formidable challenge looms large, threatening the very core of iconic chains such as McDonald’s and Burger King. Once stalwarts of American dining, these establishments now confront a confluence of economic hurdles that jeopardize their survival. Minimum wage hikes and inflation may bring to close the…

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