The idea of the “company store” might seem like something from a history book, but its spirit is still alive in today’s economy. Back then, companies forced workers to buy everything from their employer’s store, often at high prices. This kept workers stuck in debt and unable to leave. Today, the company store has changed forms. Workers are paid wages, but most of that money ends up going back to the same wealthy people and big corporations that control the industries we all depend on.

In the past, workers at coal mines or factories were often paid in company money that could only be spent at the company’s store. The prices were so high that workers could barely afford food or clothes, leaving them stuck in a cycle of debt. Even though workers earned wages, they never had enough left to save or improve their lives. The company store kept them dependent and trapped.

Today, workers face similar challenges, even if it looks different. For example, someone earning $40,000 a year might only have about $5,000 left after paying for rent, groceries, transportation, and healthcare. That’s not much to save or get ahead. According to a report, 36% of Americans can’t even handle a $400 emergency without borrowing money. Meanwhile, the wealthiest 1% of Americans take home more than 20% of the country’s income, while the bottom 50% share only 12% of it.

Senator Bernie Sanders has some bold ideas to fix this. He thinks billionaires should pay a lot more in taxes, especially on the money they make after their first billion dollars. Sanders believes, “People can survive just fine on $999 million.” He’s also pushing for a wealth tax on households worth over $32 million and wants to tax people who try to dodge taxes by giving up their U.S. citizenship. Sanders says these changes would help fund programs that could benefit everyone, like healthcare and education.

Today’s version of the company store is harder to see, but it’s just as powerful. Big corporations control the housing market, meaning rents stay high and landlords make huge profits. Grocery store chains, energy companies, and even drug companies are often owned by just a few wealthy investors. When you pay your rent, buy gas, or fill a prescription, a big chunk of that money ends up making rich people even richer. They would argue that you too can invest in the company store, although your ownership percent will be a tiny fraction compared to those that started the company.

It might feel like workers today have more freedom than they did back in the days of the company store. After all, people can choose where to work or shop. But the truth is, most workers don’t have real choices. Many are stuck in low-paying jobs that barely cover the basics. Even though workers are more productive than ever, real wages haven’t gone up much since the 1970s. For example, someone working a minimum-wage job might generate $100,000 a year in revenue for their employer but only take home $25,000.

Debt is another way workers stay trapped. Lots of people rely on credit cards, student loans, or payday loans just to make ends meet. The average American household owes about $92,000 in debt, and interest payments keep them paying more and more. Bernie Sanders wants to change that by forgiving student loans and cracking down on unfair lending practices. He believes this would give people a better chance to succeed without being held back by debt.

The way the economy works now is designed to make the rich richer. Most of the industries we need—like healthcare, housing, and energy—are controlled by a few big companies. These companies charge high prices, so workers end up spending most of what they earn just to survive. Unlike the old company store system, where the company provided the basics, today’s workers are expected to pay for everything themselves, leaving them with even less.

Bernie Sanders’ ideas aim to change that. By taxing billionaires and making sure the wealthiest people pay their fair share, Sanders wants to give workers a better shot at keeping more of the money they earn. His proposals also focus on making housing, healthcare, and education more affordable so workers don’t stay stuck in the cycle of barely getting by.

The company store may be gone, but its modern version still keeps workers from getting ahead. Most of the money workers earn ends up going back to big corporations and the wealthy people who run them. Until we make changes, like the ones Bernie Sanders is suggesting, this cycle will continue. Workers deserve a system that lets them keep more of what they earn and build better lives for themselves and their families. Electing Billionaires to positions of power ensures the cycle will just keep getting worse, now go to that company store and buy something.