Taking a Look at The “Welfare” Senators and Who They Are

In the United States, the political landscape is often divided along party lines, with Democrats and Republicans vying for control of state legislatures and governorships. However, an interesting pattern has emerged among states where the Republican Party has maintained control over both chambers of the state legislature for a significant period of time. These states, which include Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, South Carolina, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, and Oklahoma, have consistently received more federal dollars than they contribute in tax revenues.

While correlation does not imply causation, this pattern raises questions about the policy decisions made by these Republican-controlled states. Could it be that these decisions have led these states down a path of dependency on the federal government?

The Cycle of Dependency

The cycle of dependency on federal dollars is not a simple issue. It involves a complex interplay of economic factors, policy decisions, and demographic trends. However, one cannot ignore the role that policy decisions play in this cycle.

In these states, Republican lawmakers (for the most part there is one “Welfare” democratic Senator but many consider him a Dino) have championed policies that prioritize tax cuts, often resulting in reduced state revenues. While these tax cuts are often popular among constituents, they can lead to budget shortfalls that force states to rely more heavily on federal funding.

The Impact of Policy Decisions

The policy decisions made by Republican-controlled legislatures in these states have had tangible impacts on their economies. For example, many of these states have some of the highest poverty rates in the country. This is not a coincidence. Policies that limit social safety nets or fail to invest in education and infrastructure can perpetuate cycles of poverty and economic stagnation.

Moreover, these policy decisions can create a self-perpetuating cycle. As state revenues decrease due to tax cuts or other fiscal policies, these states become increasingly reliant on federal dollars. This increased reliance on federal funding can then be used to justify further tax cuts or spending reductions at the state level.

Breaking the Cycle

Breaking this cycle of dependency requires a reevaluation of the policy decisions being made in these states. It requires lawmakers to consider the long-term impacts of their fiscal policies and to invest in programs and infrastructure that can stimulate economic growth and reduce poverty.

While it’s clear that these Republican-controlled states are caught in a cycle of dependency on federal dollars, it’s important to remember that this cycle is not inevitable. Through thoughtful policy decisions and strategic investments, it’s possible for these states to break this cycle and chart a new path forward. A change of leadership will be required as the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. These state legislators are either insane or they simply do not have their constituents best interests at heart. It is ironic that the political party that prides itself on the slogan, “Pick yourself up by your own boot straps” has the 10 leading states in the Nation with their hand in everybody elses pocket.

Ranking of the “Welfare” Senators, states that take more money from the federal government than they send in tax revenues. This list excludes states that have high federal employee numbers including military as that data will skew the actual dependency rating of the states. For instance New Mexico, Hawaii, Montana, Wyoming and Arizona would be on the list if you ignored the fact that they have huge military bases and employees stationed there.


  • Senior Senator: Roger Wicker (Republican)
  • Junior Senator: Cindy Hyde-Smith (Republican)


  • Senior Senator: Bill Cassidy (Republican)
  • Junior Senator: John Neely Kennedy (Republican)


  • Senior Senator: John Boozman (Republican)
  • Junior Senator: Tom Cotton (Republican)


  • Senior Senator: Tommy Tuberville (Republican)
  • Junior Senator: Katie Britt (Republican)

South Carolina:

  • Senior Senator: Lindsey Graham (Republican)
  • Junior Senator: Tim Scott (Republican)

West Virginia:

  • Senior Senator: Joe Manchin (Democrat)
  • Junior Senator: Shelley Moore Capito (Republican)


  • Senior Senator: Mitch McConnell (Republican)
  • Junior Senator: Rand Paul (Republican)


  • Senior Senator: Joshua “Josh” Hawley (Republican)
  • Junior Senator: Eric Schmitt (Republican)


  • Senior Senator: James Lankford (Republican)
  • Junior Senator: Markwayne Mullin (Republican)


  • Senior Senator: Marsha Blackburn (Republican)
  • Junior Senator: Bill Hagerty (Republican)