Study Reveals Christian Nationalists Have Low Tolerance For Atheists

In a recent study titled “In God We Distrust: Christian Nationalism and Anti-Atheist Attitude”, sociologist Fanhao Nie from the University of Massachusetts Lowell explores the relationship between Christian nationalism and attitudes towards atheists in the United States.

What is Christian Nationalism?

Christian nationalism is a belief system that combines Christian identity with American national identity. In other words, it’s a way of seeing America as a fundamentally Christian nation. This belief system has been associated with negative views towards marginalized groups, such as religious minorities.

Why Study Attitudes Towards Atheists?

Despite its rapid population growth in the last decade, atheists remain one of the most discriminated groups in the United States. Understanding the factors that contribute to this discrimination can help us address it and promote a more inclusive society.

How Was the Study Conducted?

The study used statistical analysis to examine the relationship between individual and state-level Christian nationalism and anti-atheist attitudes. The data for the study came from various sources, including surveys and census data.

What Did the Study Find?

The study found that individuals with higher levels of Christian nationalism were more likely to have negative views towards atheists. This suggests that Christian nationalism at the individual level plays a significant role in shaping attitudes towards atheists.

However, the study did not find a robust state-level Christian nationalism influence on anti-atheist attitudes. This means that living in a state with a high level of Christian nationalism does not necessarily make someone more likely to have negative views towards atheists.

Interestingly, the study also found that in states where Christian nationalism was higher, Black Protestants were less prejudiced against atheists compared to Evangelical Protestants. This finding suggests that the relationship between religion and attitudes towards atheists can vary among different religious groups.

The study concludes that religion, especially Christianity, plays a significant role in motivating public antipathy towards atheists in the United States. This research provides valuable insights into the complex dynamics of religion, nationalism, and societal attitudes. It underscores the importance of promoting understanding and acceptance among different religious and non-religious groups to foster a more inclusive society.