New Study: Choking Under Pressure Could Explain Why Tyreek Hill Has No Performance Bonuses

Have you ever found yourself in a high-stakes situation where everything was on the line, only to falter at the critical moment? It turns out that this phenomenon, often called “choking under pressure,” is not just a human experience. A recent study published in Neuron shows that even monkeys can suffer performance declines when the…

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The “Big One” Reminder: 4.6 California Earthquake Shakes Los Angeles, Highlights Ongoing Risk

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.6 jolted the Los Angeles area on Thursday morning, reminding millions of Californians of the looming threat posed by a much larger seismic event. According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the quake struck at 7:28 a.m., with an epicenter located 4.3 miles north of Malibu and a…

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Nature Study Warns: Raccoon Dog Fur Farms Could Spread Diseases To Human

A recent study published in Nature has revealed alarming health risks associated with fur farms, particularly those breeding raccoon dogs. Not only are these farms a potential breeding ground for dangerous pathogens that could spark a future pandemic, but there’s another issue that many consumers might be unaware of—raccoon dog fur is often sold as…

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California Governor Newsom Signs Executive Order to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Combat Homeless Crisis

Governor Newsom announced a plan to utilize Generative AI (GenAI) to tackle pressing issues like homelessness and housing in California. This approach seeks to tap into cutting-edge technology to create more effective solutions for these complex societal challenges. California is turning to AI technologies as a strategic tool to improve public service delivery. The state…

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New Scientific Study Challenges the Classic Black Hole Model: Here’s Why It Matters

A recent study highlights the dynamic nature of black holes, emphasizing that their geometry changes during radiation emissions. These changes play a vital role in accurately describing their thermodynamic behavior, a concept previously underexplored. The study extends black hole thermodynamic characteristics to Extremely Compact Objects (ECOs). Even without event horizons, ECOs share crucial thermodynamic properties…

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Playing God: Lifespan Longevity Breakthrough as New Treatment Reverses Multiple Signs of Aging

Researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center have discovered a breakthrough method of reducing the signs and symptoms of aging by restoring ‘youthful’ levels of a telomerase enzyme subunit in preclinical models. If the findings are confirmed in clinical trials, this method could revolutionize the treatment of age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s,…

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Revolutionary Quantum Breakthrough: Scientists Unlock New Magnetic States of Matter

Scientists from Aalto University and the Institute of Physics CAS have collaborated to create a special new material that shows a unique magnetic state. This artificial quantum material was built atom by atom from magnetic titanium on top of a magnesium oxide substrate. This discovery could be a huge leap forward for future technology. Researchers…

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Secretariat Would Be Surprised: Horses Were First Domesticated for Food and Milk, Says New Nature Study

Horses are incredible animals that have played a huge role in human history. Today, we think of horses mainly as companions or animals used for transportation and sport. But did you know that long ago, horses were actually raised for food? Scientists have been studying ancient horse bones and DNA to learn more about how…

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SpaceX’s Starship Blew a Hole in the Atmosphere—New Study Explains What Scientists Discovered

Imagine that the atmosphere around Earth is like a giant, invisible blanket that keeps our planet warm and protects us from harmful rays from the sun. This blanket is made up of different layers, including one called the ionosphere, which is very high up—almost at the edge of space. Normally, this layer is calm, but…

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