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Richard Clark

One of The Most Effective Forms of Home Defense: It’s Not a Gun

Effectiveness of Bear Spray Bear spray is a highly effective self-defense tool when used correctly. It is specifically designed to deter threats without causing permanent harm, making it a potent choice for personal protection. Here are some key factors that contribute to its effectiveness: It’s important to note that, while bear spray is highly effective,…

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The Rise of AI: Navigating the Potential Displacement of Millions of Workers

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought about unprecedented advancements in technology, reshaping industries and economies across the globe. While AI promises increased efficiency, innovation, and convenience, there is a growing concern about its potential to displace millions of workers. This article explores the impact of AI on employment, the industries most susceptible to…

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Why You Should Learn To Program In COBOL, Yes We Said COBOL

Every day, a whopping $3 trillion worth of transactions are processed by a programming language that’s older than your grandparents. This language is called COBOL, short for Common Business Oriented Language. Even though it’s been around for 64 years and isn’t taught in most schools anymore, it’s still super important in many industries like banking,…

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