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Jeff Cunha

Personal Liberty Prevails: Judge Rules Against Federal Distilling Ban, Cannabis Could Be Next

A federal judge in Texas has delivered a landmark ruling declaring a longstanding ban on at-home distilling unconstitutional, a decision that could have implications for at-home cannabis growing. U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman’s decision, handed down on Wednesday, marks a significant victory for the Hobby Distillers Association, a group advocating for the personal production of…

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Supreme Court Decision on Homeless Enforcement: A Catalyst for Forest Fire Risks

In a landmark ruling, the Supreme Court found that the city of Grants Pass’s ordinances did not violate the Eighth Amendment rights of homeless individuals. This decision, which upheld the city’s right to enforce anti-camping laws, has had unintended and far-reaching consequences. While the ruling aimed to empower the city to manage public spaces effectively,…

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Opinion: Time for Democrats to Change the Filibuster and Expand the Supreme Court to 12 Justices

The Supreme Court’s recent ruling on presidential immunity underscores the urgent need for Democrats to take decisive action to protect American democracy. By using the “nuclear option” to change the filibuster rule, which currently requires a 60-vote supermajority to pass most legislation, Democrats could pass crucial reforms with a simple majority, including expanding the Supreme…

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Trump’s Immunity: Supreme Court’s ‘Highway to Hell’ for Democracy

In a controversial decision, the Supreme Court has ruled that former President Donald Trump is granted limited immunity for actions taken during his presidency, a move that has sparked intense debate and allegations of judicial bias. This ruling, according to the Biden campaign and several Democratic leaders, essentially hands Trump “the keys to a dictatorship,”…

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Trump’s ‘Black Jobs’ Remark During Debate Shows True Colors

In a heated moment during Thursday’s debate with President Biden in Atlanta, former President Donald Trump sparked controversy by using the phrase “Black jobs.” This statement has not only left many Black Americans questioning the meaning and implications of such a term but also reignited discussions about Trump’s history of racism. Trump’s comments came as…

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The Supreme Court’s Conservative Majority: It’s Constitutional to Jail Poor People

In a landmark decision on Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Grants Pass, granting it the authority to ticket homeless individuals for sleeping outdoors. This ruling rejected the arguments that such “anti-camping” ordinances constitute “cruel and unusual” punishment under the Constitution. The decision, penned by Justice Neil Gorsuch for the court’s conservative…

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Supreme Court Nixes Rio Grande Deal, Leaving New Mexico and Texas in Limbo

In a significant ruling today, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a proposed settlement between New Mexico and Texas over the management of the Rio Grande’s waters. The 5-4 decision complicates ongoing efforts to resolve long-standing disputes over how New Mexico, Texas, and Colorado share this critical water source. The proposed settlement, which aimed to ensure…

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