Americans Consume Toxic Additives Banned In EU: New York, Other States Plan Ban

Lawmakers in Illinois, New York, and Pennsylvania are looking to ban certain food additives that are currently allowed in the U.S. but prohibited in Europe.

Source: George Louis

These additives have sparked health concerns, prompting New York legislators to propose a law to safeguard consumers by following European regulations. Some of America’s favorite snack foods and beverages may end up being pulled from store shelves if the law passes.

Source: King Of Hearts

Here’s a breakdown of the proposed banned ingredients and links to peer reviewed studies that explore their potential dangers.

Source: WorldMatrix

Potassium Bromate: Used to strengthen dough, it’s believed to be a cancer-causing agent. It’s banned in Europe, China, and India but not in the U.S. It’s in over 100 food items. “Toxicity and carcinogenicity of potassium bromate–a new renal carcinogen.”

Source: WorldMatrix

Titanium Dioxide (E171): This food coloring agent is banned in Europe due to health worries but is still used in the U.S. ” The Effects of the Food Additive Titanium Dioxide (E171) on Tumor Formation and Gene Expression in the Colon of a Transgenic Mouse Model for Colorectal Cancer”

Source: WorldMatrix

Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO) (E443): Found in citrus-flavored soft drinks, BVO is banned in Europe but not in the U.S. Toxicological evaluation of brominated vegetable oil in Sprague Dawley rats

Source: WorldMatrix

Azodicarbonamide (E927a): Used as a dough conditioner and bleaching agent, it’s banned in Europe but not in the U.S. Assessment of the determination of azodicarbonamide and its decomposition product semicarbazide: investigation of variation in flour and flour products

Source: WorldMatrix

Propylparaben (E217): A preservative in processed foods, it’s prohibited in Europe but not in the U.S. Exposure to Propylparaben During Pregnancy and Lactation Induces Long-Term Alterations to the Mammary Gland in Mice


Europe takes a more cautious approach to food safety, scrutinizing additives thoroughly before approval. This contrasts with the U.S., where regulations may not be as strict, potentially leading to health differences between the two regions.

Source: Jesse Vega

New York is considering a law, Senate Bill S6055 and Assembly Bill A6424, to ban these additives. If passed, products with these ingredients would be removed from store shelves. This follows similar efforts in California.

Source: Public Domain

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asserts that all food additives are evaluated before approval. While acknowledging concerns about potassium bromate, the FDA says measures are taken to minimize its presence in final products.

As New York debates this legislation, consumers and the food industry are watching closely. Whether New York will adopt stricter regulations akin to Europe remains uncertain, but the discussion on food safety continues.