In a bizarre yet typical move, Donald Trump turned a visit to a McDonald’s into a public relations opportunity, stirring reactions across the internet—particularly on Reddit. This spectacle, however, coincided with the release of a nearly 2,000-page document in his ongoing legal case. While many expected the media to focus on these legal developments, the spotlight was swiftly stolen by the fast-food photo op, triggering heated discussions among Redditors.

Among the comments, there was also a visible shift from political to personal critiques. Commenters like Lyleadams called for a boycott of McDonald’s for allowing the event, while others, like Meecht, criticized media outlets like The Wall Street Journal for not diving deeper into Trump’s mental decline as they had with Biden.

One Reddit user expressed frustration over how easily Trump shifts media focus. “I hate that this is all the news,” they wrote, noting how the McDonald’s event washed out coverage of critical legal documents in Trump’s case. Their comment resonated with many on the platform, who echoed similar sentiments. The top response emphasized Trump’s adeptness at burying potentially harmful news, with Nick Sirotich, the post’s author, remarking, “Unfortunately, nothing has stuck to him in a meaningful way yet. Still nice to poke fun at the absurdity of it all, I think.”

More than a few commenters called out the media’s complicity in amplifying the stunt. One user delivered a biting critique of the media’s willingness to let Trump dominate headlines with trivial distractions: “Things Media will Report on Daily: Look at him making fries! Look how energized he is!” They then contrasted this with Trump’s long history of controversial policies, including his alleged plans to use the military against political opponents and immigrants. This observation coincides with research that reports that the media focuses more on campaign trail events than actual stances on issues.

Others pointed out the lasting damage caused by Trump’s actions. One user, Suspicious_Bicycle, lamented how, despite the detailed evidence against Trump, nothing seemed to penetrate public consciousness: “At this point, Trump’s 40-minute dance at his town hall…are more damaging to his chances of getting elected.” This reflects the broader sentiment of exhaustion, as many users expressed disbelief at how Trump continues to command media attention over more critical matters. With Social media being the number one source of political news for the younger generation, the reddit response may be a sing that McDonalds could see unwanted blow back from the PR stunt among their younger customers.

Ultimately, the Reddit thread exemplifies a broad frustration with the media’s coverage of Trump’s antics and the way these distractions prevent more serious matters—such as the document release—from gaining traction. As one commenter put it, “He has broken any sense of meaning or sense in reality,” summing up a growing sentiment that Trump’s media strategy remains frustratingly effective in deflecting attention from his legal troubles.